Vlad Dracul – The curse of Immortality
Vlad Tepes is one of the most elusive historical figures: Abhorrent monster? Cruel, Machiavellian ruler? Bloodthirsty vampire? I show you a mythological interpretation of Vlad Dracul.
Vlad Tepes is one of the most elusive historical figures: Abhorrent monster? Cruel, Machiavellian ruler? Bloodthirsty vampire? I show you a mythological interpretation of Vlad Dracul.
Do you need an objective marker? Simple LOS blocking terrain? Atmospheric scatter? Excellent, I show you how to fashion some standing stones.
Ezren delved into the darkness, only to meet more mindless marionettes. What would the flame reveal? Why, snow terrain and an iconic wizard!
Do you want to make your trees really stand out? Do you like gnarly bark? Then come along and learn all about my tree making secrets!
The Celtiberians were fierce warriors and a true match for the might of the legion. Learn about their history and how to paint them.
The Carthaginians relied heavily on foreign contingents in their armies, with Iberian troops being no exception. Learn about their history and how to paint them.
Hannibal’s Numidian cavalry was famed for its performance in battle, but also very apt in small-scale operations. Learn more about their history and how to paint them.
No matter if you want a dry, lava or frozen lake, crackle paste is your friend! Learn more about this stuff an how to use it effectively.
No space for a fully fledged Dungeon board? Why not stack the tiles instead? I show you my collection and some feature walls to spice it up.
Time to turn the barren tree into an autumnal oak. Foraging squirrels are a must, naturally. Enter the forest and learn how to improve your tree game.