Working on the Crypt module there was a surplus of roots, rough-hewn stone tiles and moss mixture, so I decided to make good use of the materials and created five matching bases. They also work quite well for an overgrown jungle temple environment or ruins of a long forgotten keep deep in the woods.

How to make the bases
Cut some squares out of a styrene sheet or use some pre-cut ones. Follow the instructions in Part I of the Crypt tutorial and sculpt the floor tile master. Fashion a pressure mold and cast the floor tiles once, then cut them apart and glue them to the bases.
Now fill the large gaps between stones and any free spaces with a mixture of matte gel, sand and brown paint. Dust with additional soil while the mixture is still wet and press the soil into the mixture using a brush or your finger.
Paint the stones dark grey, and drybrush with lighter shades of grey. Finish with a thin wash of matte varnish, brown pigment and water.
Sprinkle some lighter pigments on the bases to create colour variations. Fix the pigment with pigment fixer.
Make some roots as described in Part II of the Crypt tutorial and glue them to the bases.
Finally mix fine turf, green paint, water and wood glue and apply this paste where you would like some moss. After the paste is dry, wash with GW Agrax Earthshade and drybrush with lighter greens and yellow.
Paint the rims of the bases brown and cover with some matte varnish to protect your creation.

Reblogged this on Miniature armies, huge time sink. and commented:
More awesome basing tutorials!
Thank you.
That skelliebob is based and ready for ACTION! 😀 All he needs is some adventurers to menace…
Unfortunately he is way too low level…he needs his friends to make a dent.
Aww, poor minion. It would be a shame to one-shot him. He looks so keen, I feel he should be given at least a chance! Still, he can be re-animated, I suppose.